Saturday, May 8, 2010

Catch up Education!

In the last few weeks of class, one thing has been clear: Education is extremely far behind when it comes to instructional design. The military and the medical industry are changing and adapting at a far faster rate than we are. Why? My classmates brought up a very good point that they have a lot more to loose and much to gain with their instruction. Ok, so we may not see the danger in not having the most effective instruction and certainly there is no risk of causing the death of another human being, but I would argue that effective or ineffective institutions have the ability to shape human beings and in doing so, also change our society. Thus, there is danger in not looking at what the outcomes may be. And, unfortunately, for some kids, not getting the tools they need in school will leave them with no other option but to pursue avenues that may result in death. Are we looking at education the wrong way? Are we really thinking about what happens to our kids once they are out of the system? What can we do to show that we need to push education forward?

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