Thursday, February 4, 2010

Social Networking and Constructivism- Comments Please!

As I explored the tenets of constructivism, I couldn't help but think how constructivist practices are developed and used in social networking sites. I started becoming interested in social networking sites and their potential in education while writing a paper last semester titled, "Social Networking Sites Enable New Literacy Practices." I will be happy to share it with anyone who is interested.
I guess what I'd like to know is, what do you think about constructivism, social networking, or both? Pros and cons of using it the classroom?

PS. If you respond you are engaging in constructivist practices! :)


  1. I'd be interested in the paper--and I can see that the writing that students might do through social networking could help develop literacy skills. I know my own students seem to write quite a bit on a wiki we have--much more than I think they would on paper. The cons of the networking site, and the wiki, I think, are the informal nature and general lack of grammar that characterizes expression in those areas. I am not familiar enough with things like facebook to say how much control a teacher might have so he or she could be sure students weren't exposed to something they shouldn't be.

    Another upside of the networking, though, is the connections students can make with those who might want to organize to make a difference in the world. Social responsibility can be facilitated with such networking--human rights groups, even recently relief for Haiti.

  2. Thanks for the comment, I'd be happy to show you the paper! Also, I posted this as my forum question for the everyone please post comments there for your class credit :)

  3. Great. Please share your paper there as well.
